Wildlife is one of the region’s most underestimated treasures. The most precious habitats and species were designate for the Natura 2000 ecological network which protects them without excluding human activities that agree with the principles of sustainable development. There are also several wildlife reserves, areas of protected landscape and nature monuments. All of them would be affected by Elektrownia Północ.
Natura 2000 site Dolina Dolnej Wisły (Lower Vistula Valley, PLB040003) and Natura 2000 site Dolna Wisła (Lower Vistula, PLH220033) have been designated to protect rare species and habitats such as marsh harrier, white-tailed eagle, common and little tern, asp viper, amur bitterling, sabrefish, Atlantic salmon and fire-bellied toad. Learn more about the wildlife of the Vistula river under: Impacts -> Vistula – the queen of Polish rivers
Natura 2000 site Sztumskie pole (PLH220087)
Protects fragments of wet coniferous forests and transitional/low bogs with dystrophic pons which are habitat of a strictly protected fish - lake minnow (Eupallasella percnurus) - listed in the Polish Red Book of Endangered Species.
Natura 2000 site Waćmierz (PLH220031)
Peatbogs an ponds harbour an important population of lake minnow. Protected fire bellied toads, cranes, green sandpipers and black terns also find refuge here.
Natura 2000 site Dolina Wierzycy (PLH220094)
Surprisingly for lowland Pomerania, this valley is actually of sub-mountainous character. Several protected fish species live in its clean waters, and riparian forests are frequented by beavers, otters and kingfishers.
Natura 2000 site Grądy nad Jeziorami Zduńskim i Szpęgawskim (PLH220067)
This site protects 90-160 years old hornbeam-oak forests (Stellario-Carpinetum).
Las Mątawski Reserve
Las Mątawski is a unique example of a riparian forest, largest and best preserved in the Vistula valley. It protects 150-180 year old woods with rare plants such as February daphne and twayblade, as well as 26 monument trees. It is also held in high regard by birdwatchers for its population of white-tailed eagles and black kites.
Biała Góra Reserve
This reserve was designated to protect xerothermic grasslands. Especially picturesque in early summer when most plants are in blossom and lure many butterfly species.