Hearing cancelled,  Północ power plant still without building permit

Hearing cancelled, Północ power plant still without building permit

On April 3, 2019, a final hearing on the building permit for the Północ Power Plant was to take place in Warsaw, Poland. Finally, for procedural reasons, the hearing was cancelled. This means that Północ power plant still does not have a building permit. Read more »

NGOs call on the Polenergia’s shareholders: give up on the Północ coal power plant.

NGOs call on the Polenergia’s shareholders: give up on the Północ coal power plant.

On February 17th 2017, 9 environmental organizations including the Stop Elektrowni Północ Coalition, 350.org, Eko-Unia and Foundation “Development YES – Open-pit mines NO” sent a letter to the Shareholders of Polenergia SA, owner of the Północ Power Plant project. Read more »

No permit for new coal!

No permit for new coal!

Judges in Gdansk, Poland have revoked a permit to a controversial Elektrownia Północ power plant, sending the project back to square one. Read more »

Wildlife Association Jackdaw joins StopEP coalition

Wildlife Association Jackdaw joins StopEP coalition

The Wildlife Association Jackdaw (Kawka) is the first and the only organization from Bydgoszcz which brings together naturalists, scientists and wildlife lovers keen on environmental protection. Today the Association joins the other 7 organisations forming the Stop the Północ Power Plant coalition. Read more »

Court hearing postponed. Still no building permit for the Północ Power Plant.

Court hearing postponed. Still no building permit for the Północ Power Plant.

A hearing on the building permit for the Północ Power Plant was to be held on Wednesday, September 14th before the provincial administrative court in Gdańsk. It was, however, postponed for formal reasons. For the investor this means another moths without building permit. Read more »

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Who will construct the Północ power plant

The French company Alstom has been chosen as the main contractor of the Północ power plant. Alstom is infamous for numerous scandals, including cases of corruption. The company and/or its staff has been found guilty of corruption offences in relation to at least seven other cases. Alstom has been under observation by the Norwegian Finance Ministry since 2011 after its Council on Ethics recommended in 2010 to exclude Alstom from the Government Pension Fund Global. Most recently, the UK Serious Fraud Office charged Alstom Network UK with paying around USD 8.5 million in bribes between 2000 and 2006 to win transport contracts in India, Poland and Tunisia. Scandals and unethical business practices did not escape the notice of the civil society. In 2013 Alstom was nominated for the ‘prestigious’ Public Eye Awards, or the ‘award of shame’, for the worst company of the year.