Malbork Castle under coal siege
23 July 2016

Malbork Castle under coal siege

StopEP takes part in the Siege of Malbork – an annual festival of medieval culture in the heart of Pomerania. Campaigners used the chance to speak with many tourist, local citizens and history lovers about impacts the coal power plants have on historic monuments. Read more »

FabLab Elbląg joins StopEP coalition
27 June 2016

FabLab Elbląg joins StopEP coalition

FabLab Elbląg is a local group of creative citizens who create space to share skills, knowledge and good ideas. They are active on many fields and believe in sustainability and climate protection. Read more »

Welcome to Kociewie!
25 June 2016

Welcome to Kociewie!

The StopEP campaigners come to the region’s heart to meet with tourist coming to Kociewie and the citizens of Tczew, and to discuss with them the health impacts of coal combustion and climate-friendly solutions of energy production from renewable sources. It turns out that many citizens are aware of the problem and oppose building a coal power plant. The people want to protect clean environment and prefer renewable energy to fossil fuels. Read more »

Building permit revoked for the second time
30 December 2016

Building permit revoked for the second time

The Voivode of Pomerania revokes the second building permit obtained by Elektrownia Północ, the reasons for this decision being: restricting social participation in the proceeding, uncritical acceptance of investor’s claims and refusal to take into consideration the evidence regarding the power plant’s impacts presented by NGOs and local citizens. Read more »

Proceeding for powerlines building permit discontinued
28 September 2015

Proceeding for powerlines building permit discontinued

As the investor have failed to supplement certain documents, the Starost of Tczew closes the proceeding for building permit for the high-voltage power lines. Read more »

Special issue of Miesięcznik „Dzikie Życie”
8 June 2015

Special issue of Miesięcznik „Dzikie Życie”

The June 2015 issue of the Miesięcznik Dzikie Życie (Wildlife Magazine) publishes analysis of the errors the investor made in the EIA Report and writs about power plants’ impact on historical monuments. Read more »

Building permit challenged in court
27 April 2015

Building permit challenged in court

The StopEP coalition and the local citizens challenge the building permit for the Północ power plant pointing out several serious errors which may threaten environment and human health. Read more »

Trial in Tczw
30 October 2014

Trial in Tczw

The StopEP expert sheds light on serious errors in the investor’s EIA Report: emission levels of heavy metals were underestimated over 100-fold. The findings shocks both, the authorities and the investor. Read more »

People’s Climate March and the UN Climate Summit in NY
21-23 September 2014

People’s Climate March and the UN Climate Summit in NY

Ms. Diana Maciąga from the Stop Elektrownia Północ campaign is chosen an observer to the UN Climate Summit in New York and a Global Climate Ambassador. She also participats in the People’s Climate March which gathered over 400 000 people and became the largest manifestation for climate protection to date. Read more »

Stop EP at XX Autumn Garden and Seed Fair in Stare Pole
13-14 September 2014

Stop EP at XX Autumn Garden and Seed Fair in Stare Pole

The campaigners meet with local citizens of the Kociewie region to discuss impacts of coal-fired power plants on agriculture, environment and tourism and to promote alternative energy solutions based on renewables. Read more »

Harvest festival in the shadow of Elektrownia Północ
7 September 2014

Harvest festival in the shadow of Elektrownia Północ

Farmers and officers from the Pelplin commune meet in Pomyje village to celebrate harvest festival. We were also there with the Stop Elektrownia Północ campaign to talk with the local community about the threats posed by the planned power plant and distribute awareness raising leaflets.  Read more »

YES to renewables, NO to the Północ power plant – street actions in Gdańsk, Malbork and Tczew
28-30 July 2014

YES to renewables, NO to the Północ power plant – street actions in Gdańsk, Malbork and Tczew

The citizens opposing the Elektrownia Północ project organize street actions in Gdańsk, Tczew and Malbork. They provide local community and tourists with the arguments for renewable sources of energy and those against burning coal. The StopEP campaigners had a small solar kit for energy production. They also distributed leaflets about negative impacts of coal-fired power plants on human health and the environment.  Read more »

Health impacts of coal
28 June 2014

Health impacts of coal

Health experts and the StopEP coalition meet with local citizens to discuss impact of the Północ power plant. The main aim of the meeting organized in Tczew is to provide the audience with information on the impact of coal-fired power plants on human health and local environment. Read more »

Special issue of Miesięcznik „Dzikie Życie”
10 May 2014

Special issue of Miesięcznik „Dzikie Życie”

The May 2014 issue of the Miesięcznik Dzikie Życie (Wildlife Magazine) covers the story of the power plant’s impacts on Vistula, health costs of coal and air pollution. Read more »

The Queen of Polish rivers wins over Elektrownia Północ
6 February 2014

The Queen of Polish rivers wins over Elektrownia Północ

Poland’s General Director of Environmental Protection (GDOS) rules that an investment in the construction of the Północ power plant would jeopardize species of fish found in the lower reaches of the Vistula River. The General Director agreed with environmental and nature protection NGOs and affirmed partial invalidity of the plant’s environmental impact assessment permit (EIA). Read more »

Building permit for construction of water main repealed
13 December 2013

Building permit for construction of water main repealed

The WSA repeals building permit for construction of water main. Two appeals made by the Północ power plant against local citizens and Association Workshop for All Beings are dismissed. Read more »

March for Climate and Social Justice
15-16 November 2013

March for Climate and Social Justice

StopEP campaigners are among thousands of people from all around the world who march for climate and social justice. The March took off from the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw, and went past the National Stadium, where COP19 UN climate summit was held. Read more »

Quit coal, embrace sustainability!
15 November 2013

Quit coal, embrace sustainability!

World community writes to the Północ Power Plant’s investor: withdraw from coal, embrace sustainability! The investor – dr Jan Kulczyk - is also a member of the Climate Change Task Force and the Chairman of Green Cross International’s Board of Directors, a reputable organization which works for climate protection and environmental safety. Read more »

StopEP at the international Conference of Youth in Warsaw
7-10 November 2013

StopEP at the international Conference of Youth in Warsaw

Conference of Youth takes place during the weekend before the UN Conference of Parties (COP 19). This year it is also the Power Shift Central and Eastern Europe – a 4-day long workshops for young climate activists, organised by a group of climate organisations, including the Polish Youth Climate Network. One of the workshop is devoted solely to the Północ Power Plant case. Read more »

NGOs appeal against the environmental decision
26 August 2013

NGOs appeal against the environmental decision

Polish environmental organizations from the StopEP coalition submit an application for the annulment of the environmental impact assessment permit (EIA) for the construction of the Polnoc power plant. The decision contains serious errors and would threaten the rarest and most valuable species of fish found in the lower reaches of the Vistula River. Read more »

One year delay in the completion of the Północ Power Plant
16 August 2013

One year delay in the completion of the Północ Power Plant

The investor announces that the completion of the construction of the Północ Power Plant will be delayed. The first 900 MW coal block will be put into service not in 2017 but in 2018. Read more »

Building permit for associated infrastructure repealed
30 April 2013

Building permit for associated infrastructure repealed

Chief Building Inspector repeals the Północ power plant building permit for associated infrastructure related to water consumption and waste water discharge to the Vistula River. The case is referred back to the authorities of first instance. Read more »

Special issue of Miesięcznik „Dzikie Życie”
10 April 2013

Special issue of Miesięcznik „Dzikie Życie”

The April issue of the Miesięcznik Dzikie Życie (Wildlife Magazine), a Polish magazine focusing on nature protection, features articles on the Północ Power Plant, the energy sector and climate protection. Read more »

Building permit revoked
14 February 2012

Building permit revoked

The WSA Court of Gdańsk withdraws the permit for construction works of one of the biggest coal power plants panned in Europe. Farmers and local citizens are determined to fight the project until judgement is final. Read more »

Local citizens win in court
21 January 2012

Local citizens win in court

The citizens of Pelplin win with the Północ power plant’s investor. The court ruled that the case of the environmental impact of the plant should be reassessed and that they do have the right to participate in the proceedings as party.   Read more »

Why do the environmentalists protest against new coal-fired power plants in Poland? Don’t we need energy?

Environmentalists have been protesting against energy solutions in recent years because the proposed energy sources are often extremely harmful to the environment, and often to economy – they are far too expensive or unprofitable and ineffective. Informing the public about such potential harm is a matter of civic responsibility. Poland remains a democratic country, its law allows for social dialogue and civic participation. Every decision should follow the regulations in force and take into account all potential environmental impacts. That is why any responsible person who suspects the proposed solutions may be invalid or against the law should speak out − just as any citizen wishing to influence their country’s future should vote. The social organizations have been also calling for development of clean energy projects based on renewable energy. Such projects will not only ensure country’s energy independence but will also contribute to the region’s development and environmental protection.